CFund - China Equity

Pickers' first retail fund, focusing on stocks of listed Chinese companies

CFund – China Equity

Fund Price

Current price as of 18-10-2024

Class A HKD (Accu) Units: 80.0796

Day-to-Date as of 18-10-2024*


ISIN Code: HK0000483724
Bloomberg Code: CFCHIEQ HK Equity
Price and Performance*

Current price as of 18-10-2024








3 Years


5 Years


Since inception


*Fund performance is calculated on NAV to NAV basis in denominated currency of the respective share class with gross dividends re-invested. The Fund’s cumulative return includes dividends distributed out during the period.


Brief Introduction

CFund-China Equity investment objective is to provide long-term capital appreciation by primarily investing in listed equities with a China focus and adhering to the concept of value investing.

勁低門檻 $100即入
Entry unit price as low as HKD 100
0 - 100% 倉位,靈活配置,可攻可守
Flexible positions level (0-100% *) to face different market situations
月供計劃 隨時存取
Monthly saving plan available with flexible deposit & withdrawal

China Focus: Invest primarily on companies established in China or those which, whilst established outside China, derive a significant proportion of their revenue or profits from business related to China

Asset Allocation Strategy: Under normal circumstances, at least 70% of the Sub-Fund’s Net Asset Value will be invested in stocks of companies established in China or those which, whilst established outside China, derive a significant proportion of their revenue or profits from business related to China, subject to an overall upper limit on onshore PRC exposure of 20%

Value Investment: Seek out stocks that, in the Manager’s opinion have been undervalued by the market

Maximum Flexibility: No restrictions on the proportion of cash to non-cash assets; nor market capitalizations/industries in relation to the equities invested

Outstanding Team: Professionally managed by Pickers Capital Management, where fund managers have over 20 years of investment & portfolio management experience

* Only under exceptional circumstances (such as in the event of market crashes, major crisis or to mitigate the risk of potential sharp reversals and fall in the markets) for cash flow management

Distributor :


CFund Hotline: 3968 2222

CFund WhatsApp: 6093 6685​


LFF Hotline: 2980 0804

LFF WhatsApp: 5596 3401​


Product Key Facts Statement (KFS)
Annual Report 2022
Annual Report 2023
Interim Report 2023
Interim Report 2024
Explanatory Memorandum
Explanatory Memorandum
Notice To Unitholders
Notice To Unitholders
ESG Policy
ESG Policy


In order to invest in CFund-China Equity, you can contact the fund distributor Centaline Securities Limited to open an account.

Centaline Securities CFund Subscription hotline: 3968 2222; WhatsApp: 6093 6685

You can view the daily updated fund unit price on Pickers’ website by clicking here.

You can download the monthly fund reports on Pickers’ website by clicking here.

CFund – China Equity primarily invests in public stocks listed in Hong Kong, Shanghai and/or Shenzhen.

CFund – China Equity does not have any benchmark index for measuring performance.

The subscription fee shall not exceed 5% of the total subscription price; the management fee shall be 1.5%; the performance fee shall be 15% of the appreciation of the net asset value per unit exceeding the high water mark during the relevant performance period.

High Water Mark is the higher of (i) the initial subscription price and (ii) the Net Asset Value per unit as at the end of the relevant performance period in respect of which a performance fee was last paid. Where a performance fee is payable for a performance period, the Net Asset Value per unit on the last valuation day of that performance period will be set as the High Water Mark for the next performance period.

Open an account at our distributor and set up a Monthly Investment Plan. The plan will be effective in the next calendar month, with the first payment date on the 10th. The payment date will be postponed to the next clearing day if the 10th of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday.


Investments involve risks. The Fund, like most funds, does not provide any guarantees. You have the opportunity to lose some or all of your investment. Investment decisions should not be made solely on the basis of this promotional material. Please refer to the explanatory memorandum for information before investing to understand the risk factors and other information. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. If you have any questions, please contact your financial advisor and seek professional advice. This web page is published by Pickers Capital Management Limited and has not been reviewed by the Securities and Futures Commission.


Important Notes


- The Fund’s investments included in this website are concentrated in China and Hong Kong. This may result in greater volatility than portfolios which comprise broad-based global investments.
- Investing in emerging markets such as China involves a greater risk of loss than investing in more developed markets due to, among other factors, greater political, tax, economic, foreign exchange, liquidity and regulatory risks.
- The Fund may invest in derivative instruments which may involve additional risks.Investment involves risks. You may lose part or all of your investments.
- You should not make investment decisions solely based on this website alone. Prior to investing, please refer to the Explanatory Memorandum of the Fund for details including risk factors. If you have any queries, please contact your financial advisor and seek professional advice.
- You should not invest in the Fund unless the intermediary who sold to you the interest in the Fund has advised you that the Fund is suitable for you and explained how it is consistent with your investment objectives.
- The Fund Manager of the Fund issued a Notice to the Unitholders on 29th November 2019. For details, please download and view in the Download section.
- The Fund reports from Sep 2020 to Nov 2020 have been amended for including equity futures and options exposure in the industry exposure section. For details, please download and view in the Fund Report section.


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Risk Warning
Investment involves risks. Past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance. The value of investments from them may go down as well as up and that you may not get back your original investment. Prior to investing, please refer to the offering documents for details, including the risk factors. You should ensure you fully understand the risks associated with the investment and should also consider your own investment objective and risk tolerance level. If in doubt, please seek independent financial professional advice.


This website has not been reviewed by the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong.